Ofsted visited in March 2019 and gave a grading of Good. Below is a quote from our latest Ofsted Report:
The quality of teaching is consistently strong. Staff enthuse and motivate children. They ask questions and respond well to children's suggestions and ideas.
Staff know children well. They regularly assess what children know and can do and build up an accurate understanding of their capabilities. This helps staff to plan enjoyable and challenging experiences to promote children's good progress.
Children develop close emotional attachments with staff, confidently seeking them out to share in their play. Children's good behaviour and individual efforts are given meaningful praise, supporting their self-esteem and confidence.
Policies and Procedures
At Nacton & Bucklesham Under 5's, all our policies & procedures are reviewed annually. The policies & procedures are currently being reviewed and updated so links have been de-activated. Please ask a member of staff if you would like more information about any of the current policies and procedures.
1:0 Child Protection
1:1 Children’s Rights and Entitlements
1:2 Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults (Including managing allegations of abuse against a member of staff & the use of mobile phones and cameras)
2:0 Suitable People
3:0 Staff qualifications, Training, Support and Skills
3:1 Induction of Staff, Volunteers and Managers
4:0 Key Person
4:1 The Role of the Key Person and Settling in
5:0 Staff: Child Ratios
6:0 Health
6:2 Managing children who are sick, infectious, or with allergies
6:3 Recording and Reporting of Accidents and Incidents
7:0 Promoting Positive Behaviour
7:1 Promoting Positive Behaviour
8:0 Safety and Suitability of Premises, Environment and Equipment
8:1 Health and Safety General Standards
8:2 Maintaining Children’s Safety and Security on Premises.
8:3 Supervision of Children on Outings and Visits.
8:5 Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation
8:10 Staff Safety including Home Visits
9:0 Equal Opportunities
9:1 Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality
9:2 Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs
10: Information and Records
10:1a NBU5’s Prospectus
10.1b Privacy Notice for Parents / Carers
10:8 Transfer of Records to School
10:9 Confidentiality and Client Access to Records
10:11 Working in Partnership with Other Agencies
10:15 Fees and Charging